Continental Moving & Storage, LLC

Based on 8 reviews
Address: 333 Southern Blvd, West Palm Beach FL, 33405
State: Florida
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Recent reviews on this company


I'm just giving one star since 0 stars isn't an option. I hired Continental Moving to transport my belongings from California to New Hampshire. My things are still languishing at a warehouse in Calif...


When I spoke with them, they quoted me 2200, then when they contacted to confirm, it was 2900, then when they came, it was 4000, and I was told it was up to me how I wanted to acquire the rest of my f...

Ryan Dallas

We were informed by a high-pressure sales representative that we could cancel and receive a full refund within 72 hours. After that, the sales rep was nearly impossible to reach. After several attempt...

Armando Rendon

Continental Moving & Storage, as well as his crew, were awesome. They were careful and precise in how they packed and carried my belongings. They had all of the appropriate equipment and did an outsta...

Philip Park

Our moving team arrived 15 minutes early and completed the packing process in 3 hours. I couldn't have asked for a better experience or a more dedicated team of movers to assist me. All my things arr...