Moving Nation

Based on 10 reviews
Address: 320 W. Lanier Avenue #200, Fayetteville GA, 30214
State: Georgia
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Recent reviews on this company


I'd had my belongings for nearly a month. They claimed my belongings would be delivered on Monday, but then they said the vehicle broke down and I wouldn't get them until Friday. The driver was suppos...


Don't do it! The worst business I've ever hired for ANYTHING, much alone relocating. In Florida, we moved into a spanking new townhouse. New construction. The new hardwood stairs from our door were ga...


You're done once they get your ACH deposit. They didn't even show up for our planned relocation. Most likely because we were too far away. Given the other complaints of additional costs and stuff bei...

Alexander Papageorge

These people are liars and bullies, once you pay, they do whatever they want. They didn't tell me my contract was going to be given to another company and turns out the company they hired for my move ...

Terry Houchin

Didn't collect when it was stated. Causing house delay closing. Double the original estimate fee, not negotiation. Can not receive a delivery date after 2 weeks ago. Do not send my calls back, nor do ...