Trinity Moving and Storage

Based on 11 reviews
Address: 1 E Broward BLVD Suite 700, Fort Lauderdale FL, 33301
State: Florida
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Recent reviews on this company

Leah Baker

If you are going to move, they are a very good option to transport your things. They have a very professional and friendly staff, with a safe and organized process for your move....

Michael Lambert

A company that takes care of your things and pays attention to every detail. The workers are professionals and they have a lot of experience, they did everything very smoothly. I am very happy to have...

Heather Abreu

They are brokers! They offer you a great price for doing your move. Then they send another company that will charge you thousands of dollars in extra fees for ridiculous things. And last but not least...

Kris Sloan

Efficient, fast, and without small letters! I have hired this company twice, both times they were a little late but I still recommend it....

Karla Davis

This company only takes advantage of people who need to move! They lie to you about the price and also about who will make your move. A truck arrived from an unknown company in the middle of the night...