American Standard Moving & Storage

Based on 4 reviews
Address: 150 E Palmetto Rd. Suite 800, Boca Raton FL, 33432
State: Florida
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Recent reviews on this company

Natasha K

They promise to provide you a high quote and to assure that there will be no additional costs. They say it's going to be more expensive as soon as they walk in the door. They won't tell you how much m...

Jacob Scott

We were lucky enough to come across American Standard Moving. They were quite professional, and they were able to get me the best quote out of everyone else. We picked the best company for the job be...

Kay Schwerzler

Once I contracted for this moving, I was verbally promised delivery from Windsor CA to Portland OR within 5-7 business days, but nothing in the contract I E-signed suggested delivery time. The driver ...

Doug Miller

Thank god we've found the American Standard Going. Fully professional and they've got me by far the lowest price out of all competition. I've had a really complicated transfer, and they've found the r...