New Frontier Van Lines Inc

Based on 5 reviews
Address: 1368 South Military Trail Unit N, West Palm Beach FL, 33415
State: Florida
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Recent reviews on this company

Tory Michel

After using this company for a long distance transfer from California to Washington and dealing with the aftermath, I find it difficult to believe all of the positive reviews on this platform are from...

Margaret Simoon

I suggest this moving company to anyone looking for a stress-free move. My overall experience with this company was quite good. The entire staff during the whole day was very friendly with me. You hav...

Mary Somerville

I contacted NFVL to help me relocate from New York to Florida. I have to admit that I am overjoyed. They arrived on time and caused no harm. They all delivered on time. I will certainly use this compa...

Brenda Coleman

I hired New Frontier Van Lines to transport my belongings from California to Illinois, and they offered excellent service from the time they picked up until they delivered everything to my new home. T...

Adam Hoover

**WARNING**THIEVES** This is not a moving business; they are brokers who referred all of my belongings to a company called "American Eagle Moving LLC." I watched all of my belongings being loaded into...